Run - Help

RUN Ver 0.11 (2017-01-18)

A program to connect user inputs to normal programs.

This lets you ask a user for information or choices and then run a program with those as arguments.

Run is one of the Batch Tools.


The usage message is:

run.exe usage
run.exe usage

You can get the usage message by typing in any wrong combination, "run" by itself, or "run -?".

See ask.exe help for ways to get user choices or input into files.

Once you have it in a file you can use run.exe to get that input onto the command line of a program. Here's an example:

C:\Demo>ask file "Choose a jpg file to split." file.txt

C:\Demo>run cutpic -w 100 @file.txt lhs.jpg rhs.jpg

C:\Demo>dir *.jpg
 Volume in drive C is OS
 Volume Serial Number is C2B8-A798

 Directory of C:\Demo

18-Jan-17  08:27            14,559 lhs.jpg
18-Jan-17  08:27         1,810,221 rhs.jpg
               2 File(s)      1,824,780 bytes
               0 Dir(s)  86,131,486,720 bytes free


Each arg is quoted internally. This means that @file.txt (in the above example) could contain space(s) and it would still be recognised as a single argument.

"say -help" displays this help page.