SCANSET Ver 1.13 (2017-06-24)
A program to choose a document scanner.
You can choose a scanner by name or by number. It can be done programmatically, without requiring a user to click a choice. This makes it easy to automate standard tasks.
The program is designed for use in other programs. It runs in the background without a console window.
It can be used from a command prompt if you wish.
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions.
Unless you tell it otherwise, the default is to install all of the needed files in the usual "Program Files" directory.
The installer will also add a "scanset.bat" file to a %USERPROFILE%\bin directory and that directory to your PATH. See this article for why.
You can untick that option during the install if you don't need it.
The typical use looks like this at the command line:
C:\> [path\]scanset -s scannername
This will set scannername as the default (selected) document scanner.
If you installed the program with "Include easier command prompt access", you can leave off the [path\] bit. If not, you will need to specify the path to the program. Typically this is:
"C:\Program Files (x86)\GssEzisoft\ScanSet\scanset"
The quotation marks are needed if the [path\] includes spaces (as shown in the example above). If you installed into a different directory then you'll need to use that instead of the above default.
You only need to specify part of the scannername. The program will select the first scanner name that matches what you've typed. This means, for example, if you have a "Canon CanoScan LiDE220" and an "Epson DS-860" connected to your computer, you can use Canon or Epson as the scanner name (or 220 or 860 if you prefer).
If you use the full scannername and it includes spaces (like the examples above), you'll need to include quotes around the scannername.
The program also includes options to list the scanners attached to your computer (so you can see what each one's official scannername is) and which one is the currenty selected scanner. The program outputs this information to a text file so you can use it. Some examples would be:
If you want to produce a custom interface (perhaps with the business name on it) for people choosing a scanner.
If you are automating a process and want to check that a specific scanner is present.
If you run ScanSet -? you'll get the following usage message:
ScanSet ([OPTS] ACTION)*
ACTIONs are:
-g Get current scanner name
-l List installed scanner(s)
-ll fmt Long List of installed scanner(s), with additional detail
fmt can contain:
%N% = scanner number
%M% = manufacturer name
%F% = scanner family name
%P% = scanner product name
-la List all info about installed scanner(s)
-s name Set current scanner by name. name can be a partial match.
-n num Set current scanner by number (1...)
OPTS are:
-o outfile Send output to outfile (use with -l, -ll, -la or -g)
-2 Use DSM Version 2 (not shipped by default with Windows)
NOTE: -s and -n won't work in -2 unless you add twaindsm.dll
ScanSet -help
Show online help.
The default (no opts or actions) is -g.
Note that you can specify more than one action, options apply to subsequent actions, and that you can specify the same option more than once. This means you can do things like:
ScanSet -o before.txt -g -s Epson -o after.txt -g
Not only can you confirm that the desired scanner was selected (after.txt contains Epson), you can also see if that is different to what it was before (the contents of before.txt and after.txt aren't the same).
See Frequently Asked Questions.
See license.html in the program directory.
A copy is available at: license.html
The program is copyright 2016-2017 by It does not use any external libraries that require crediting.
You can contact the author via the website: