CmdTwain 2.02

CmdTwain 2.02 has just been released. It is a minor tweak to 2.01 in that /SOURCE no longer accesses the default scanner (so if you don’t have one you should be able to see that and install or select one). You don’t get a “check cables …” message when simply choosing a scanner.

It also includes an optional GUI (graphical user interface). I suspect most of you get CmdTwain because you can just click on something and have it scan, or run a program from within your program to get a scan. That hasn’t changed. That’s all still there and it works exactly the same way as it always has. However, some people have been asking for a GUI so I’ve added an extra program that pops up a user interface, allows people to choose things, and provides a scan button. When they click that, it runs the normal CmdTwain program.

If you want to use it, it’s part of the install. If not, just delete the desktop shortcut and Start menu item.

Let me know if you like it or hate it.

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